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About US

The School was established in the year 2014 is being run by Kashmir Education and Research Trust and is affiliated to the Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE). It is located at a prime location behind the famous serene chinar trees of University of Kashmir at Naseem Bagh, Hazratbal near the banks of world-famous Dal Lake.

The school campus is situated on the lush green sprawling 9.5 Kanals of land away from noise and air pollution of the city besides being away from other distractions. The school has separate Boys and Girls wings with all kinds of modern infrastructure, facilities & support. All the activities in all the corners of our school are monitored & supported through latest surveillance Ip Camera system. Our School in reality has the real academic, conducive and caring atmosphere, where students can learn by devoting their time and energy for up scaling the ladders of learning & Professional Growth.

Crescent Public School provides the enthralling learning environment with process orientations and quality standards that carves out a jewel from the untamed or unexplored Human resources. Our Quality education is blended with the focus on goals and passion to conquer the world. We have one of most efficient teacher faculties from kindergarten to Higher Secondary, who possess the smartest teaching qualification criteria & expertise. All of our expert teaching staff has been selected through rigorous evaluation efforts by the team of experienced academicians and behavioral experts for nurturing and empowering our students. The performance of the entire teaching faculty is monitored and evaluated and improved upon by the team of experts on regular basis for meeting the expectation of the management of the school.

Our school also maintains the performance matrix for all its students and regularly updates parents with the important feedbacks regarding the overall performance and discipline of their wards. Besides academic excellence, school empowers and up skills students through their overall personality development that includes health exercises, hygiene, indoor and outdoor sports activities, debates, seminars, science exhibitions, moral education, cultural activities, art & craft activities, environmental awareness, disaster management trainings,communication skill trainings, state & national aptitude tests, Olympiads, Visits and scouting to Hospitals, Old Age Homes, Orphanages, Skill centers, Poor pockets of the city or outskirts, wild life sanctuaries, botanical gardens, museums, mountains, places of historical Importance and other extracurricular activities. 



Message From Principal’s Desk

A few words from Principal…


“It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces towards east or west but it is righteousness: to believe in Allah and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and the Messengers; to spend of your substance, out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer, and practice regular charity; to fulfil the contracts which ye have made; and to be firm and patient, in pain (or suffering) and adversity, and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the people of truth, the Allah-fearing.”                  

Al-Qu’ran 2:177


All praises are of Allah alone Who made it incumbent upon me to serve His creation at His discretion. With His majesty, I write:


Education is not merely acquirement of facts but also of values which helps us improve the different facets of mankind. A pivotal role of education lies in shaping the personality of a child into a healthy mind and happy soul, who is not only equipped for academic excellence but helping him face the challenges of life in a balanced and harmonic way. Therefore, the system of education should work as a catalyst in making each child a balanced human being having his core strengths embedded in the learning experiences emanating our rich socio-cultural roots.


In upcoming Crescent Public School, we will enterprise to map academic excellence with a good human value system, which in myriad ways is ingrained in the culture of the school. It is my promise that school will become the hub to initiate and formalize education it has its tenets enshrined in a good value system; the extension of which is thereby taken home where it is further strengthened. And our commitment to such education will always persist in all our endeavours.


The school’s genuine concern ensures student’s emotional growth along with intellectual excellence. This empowers them to develop their self-esteem, self- awareness and self-confidence. Sharing ideas, analyzing situations and expressing them confidently are essential skills which will honed here, through Experiential Leaning.


While studying at the school, the students will groom to become confident, articulate and enlightened young citizen, ready to step global society with dignity, honour and integrity.


We believe in giving our students strong values along with a set of wings which may carry them far and wide. In other words, our students will be equipped to face the challenges of rapidly changing world. Our pedagogy is child-centric with emphasis on inquiry and project base learning.


We treasure dynamism and deem that one should be well prepared to adapt the global scenario and work on his learning accordingly. This is perhaps why we have introduced a globally advanced curriculum. Besides rigorous scholastic programmes, we focus on developing both, the mental and the physical abilities of a student. The activities provide holistic grooming to the student wherein the child is able to explore his true potential. And the school will definitely prove that it is really a corridor to the future for aspirants (students) in due course of time.



(Shabbar Khan)





 20 Apr,2023


 07 Apr,2023

  +91- 9419409134
  Habbak,Naseem Bagh,
Srinagar, J&K 190006

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